Here are the little fellers that were finished on the night :
...and here are two that Abigail finished later
The pieces of wire were all the same size (those that you get in packets for cake decorating, etc) but if you made big feet they had to have shorter legs!
Basically, you have to cut two chick shapes and some wings and a gusset from yellow felt, and a beak from orange felt. Blanket stitch the chick together, remembering to stitch the beak in and the wings on, and to stuff him before you seal all his seams, then make a foot at one end of your wire and poke it through the seams at the bottom, out to the other side. Bend the legs over and then make the other foot at the same length as the first (or it won't stand up!) It looks like there's a lot of wire to start with, but you probably won't have any to spare. When you've done, stitch his (her?) eyes on using a french knot or a little bead.
They'd make great decorations for your Easter table or Easter gifts.
As well as the chicks, members brought some pieces that they've finished lately.
Janice and Liz have completed their Fairy Slippers from the March workshop :
Vanessa made two brilliant Pinky and Perky felt dolls with knitted sweaters and curly tails
She also finished her piece from the Circles Workshop
And made an elaborate pin cushion, which is (as you can probably guess) a teapot covered in fabric, with a padded lid for the pins. The fabric and embellishments are stuck on with PVA glue if you want to give it a try yourselves!

Our yellow-themed raffle was a huge success - thanks to Elizabeth and Sue B for that - and Jane Beck, who is selling some of her excess craft items prior to moving house, raised a brilliant £50 for Melanoma UK, a cause close to her heart.
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