We are a group of women (but men are welcome!) who have an interest in textile art and embroidery. We are of mixed abilities and there is no need for you to be able to sew to come and join us - there are no tests!
New members are always welcome - why not call in and join us as a guest for a few months?
Meeting fee for visitors is only £5.
Our meetings vary - we have talks and workshops, show and tell - we also have lots of weekend workshops and playdays. For details of what's coming up (and what's been and gone!) check out our programme below...

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Branch Photo 4th February 2011

As we had such a good turn out for our February meeting, we thought we'd take advantage of it an have our photo taken, although finding a plain background at the Maurice Jagger Centre is impossible!
At the meeting we brought our "heritage items" - pieces of embroidery that had been passed down to us from our ancestors - ranging from embroidered coats to christening robes.

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