Members who had completed the challenge had mounted their stitches into books, onto canvas, or had displayed them in other imaginative ways.
I have had to cut down the number of photos to 3 per member just to make it manageable, but it was a difficult task!
Here they all are, for your perusal!
(Don't forget to click on the photos for a closer view of your favourites.)
Janice's quilted book was in shades of rust and brown and the cover was decorated with canvas work.
Val's concertina book has a canvas work cover too, with stitches displayed on both sides of the pages.
Catherine's book has a stitched plastic canvas cover, and her stitched samples continue the theme in shades of blue and silver.
Jane's stitch samples are mounted on canvas and make a colourful display
Vanessa's samples are in a concertina book of a different kind, made from a tasselled blanket offcut. The inner pages are machine stitched to give a defined crease.
The first of Anne's samples (I know, annoying isn't it!) is a lovely book in a folder, with a stamped heading page for each stitch.
Anne's second set of samples are displayed on a strip of denim, on a large wooden bobbin. (I'm sure her days are longer than mine.)
Mandy's samples aren't quite mounted yet...they are stitched on silk, using variegated silk threads.
And may remember that some of our members went to Summer School in July.
Sue took a gold work class with Jenny Adin-Christie and this is the beautiful brooch which she started then, and has now finished...I should have put a 5p next to it for scale - it is tiny, but exquisite!